We would like to invite all interested parties to the press conference dedicated to the presentation of the report “Hate speech in public space. The report from the press research in 2014” that will be hosted on September 4th (Friday) at 12.00 in the Pracownia Duży Pokój at Warecka 4/6 Street in Warsaw.
It contains results of the research of the press publications in 2014. As part of the quantitative study we had analysed 26 501 newspaper articles that were published between 1st of January and 31st of December 2014 about 9 different minorities in seven daily newspapers and thirteen weekly magazines. This made it possible to designate 3 groups, in relation to which there is the highest intensity of hostile language identified as hate speech and used by agents and representatives of the political environment and journalism. During the preparation of the publication there has been made an evaluation and meta-analysis of existing data and studies on this phenomenon, which occurred to be coherent with result of our study. In addition, an analysis of qualitative press release concerning three selected groups was made, which is the first such survey since 2001’s book of Sergiusz Kowalski and Magdalena Tulli “Instead of a trial. Report on hate speech” [Zamiast procesu. Raport o mowie nienawiści”].