We collected four suitcases of donations for children from Benin

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In December, together with the Education Foundation for Development Edu Africa (https://www.facebook.com/EDUAfryka) we organized a public charity action in Krakow for students in need from Benin. The Foundation has been active in this African country for years and currently supports four schools that are struggling with lack of educational equipment and materials, as well as child malnutrition.

Thanks to your generosity, we have been able to support the Foundation by collecting the following:
– professional soccer balls,
-blocks of colored paper for cutting shapes,
– crayons, drawing sets and other chalks,
-paints,and paintbrushes
-coloring books

The charity action took place in the following institutions:
– Spółdzielnia (Cooperative) Ogniwo
– Tworzywo Pub
– Information point for foreigners in Krakow.
– School Complex for Disadvantaged Children at ul. Ulanów 25 in Krakow,
– Accent School of Polish,
– Massolit Bakes bakery.